Sunday, October 31, 2010

Female viagra and side effects

The new female viagra of Boehringer Ingelheim pharmaceuticals for treating female sexual dysfunction in women premenopausicas, for the moment not exit the market. Apparently, finally the German company is it thought best and you prefer to continue with the clinical trials that is already known as pink viagra, a drug from flibanserina which should help that one in ten women who express a lack of sexual desire.

A few months ago the FDA (food and Drug Administration) in United States was not for nothing convinced to analyze the results of the research and opinions of experts. Then warned on scarce benefits provided this medication compared to the potential risks to health.Specifically, in studies, up to 15% of the participants had to abandon treatment suffer side effects such as: dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, fatigue or anxiety.

Even today we know very little about how our brain functions, however it becomes governed almost everything in our body. Of developing medicines drug companies is not be giving blind sticks, but if that often discover positive by mere chance, as it is the case with the flibanserina, a drug that is intended to treat depression, but soon showed that you acted also on brain mechanisms that regulate the female sexual response.

Immediately thought that it could serve as a female viagra and company that patented gold, was designed as a drug should be ingested daily doses of 100 mg bedtime, and their placing on the market would be named Girosa.Unfortunately things have not gone as planned and currently will continue to work in one formula more secure or causes fewer side effects.

In any case, what is clear is that it will continue to, much is the money already invested and enormous potential clients as to set aside such discovery.And as sooner or later end up coming to market, we should understand its function.

How works the Flibanserin: to understand its functioning should know that there are several neurotransmitters, sex steroids and hormones play an important role in the effects of excitement or sexual response inhibition.Concerning neurotransmitters, stimulating activity is driven by dopamine and noradrenaline, while the inhibitory activity is driven by serotonin.The balance between these is important for a healthy sexual response, and getting the flibanserina is to balance these neurotransmitters in specific areas of the brain, resulting in a good sexual response.

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