Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Breast cancer and sexuality

The diagnosis of a disease such as breast cancer is an event that can generate fears and anxieties that impair the personality. Surgical effects which can lead to disorders of the body image subsequently occur, one isn't comfortable with her body and not feel attractive, this joined the consequences of treatment and easily to enter into a negative spiral that just eroding sexuality and relationship.

In this respect, a study by Monash University within the framework of its programme for the health of women, results has published these days are quite compelling: of the nearly 1700 women involved for having been diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, 70% acknowledged that his sex life had deteriorated remarkable two years after the diagnosis.

The case is an area that historically not been given too much importance, is the worst has happened and what comes after longer problem, or intimacies that the couple should solve... However it is a problem that is not easy to solve, requires much support, understanding and communication, and if before this there and also had some previous conflict, the direct consequences of disease, treatments or the emotional impact that both generated, that of if are enough, can also contribute to compound crisis or couple problems.

There are many factors related to breast cancer that can interfere with the patient and her partner's sexuality.Symptoms and consequences of the disease, such as anemia and anorexia, can lead to weakness and hinder sexual activity, sometimes used treatments (medicine, surgery, radiotherapy) can produce effects similar to significantly limit the sexual relations.

Lack of desire is one of the most complex sexual dysfunction, there are many factors that can cause it, and in the case of persons who receive treatment, some antiemetic drugs and opioids elevate prolactin doing to reduce libido levels.In the absence of desire can miss vaginal lubrication and, as we know, a dry intercourse is not only uncomfortable, it can also be painful.

After this it is clear that the problems of sexual dysfunction in women who have suffered from breast cancer is something quite common, and no doubt a direct result of the disease and its treatment.Therefore, the conclusion of the study is that women who have been diagnosed and treated need much support to maintain their health and well-being after the illness.

Posted by Regis News

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