Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Effects of alcohol

Many times wisdom already us prevents on some things, as regards the effects of alcohol for example: If you emborrachas likely to in the morning upon awakening cannot remember everything you've done, or what or who is the suspicious package moving next to the bed. However for science is not enough, they have demostralo according to its methods and so step explain us exactly why certain things happen.

This time it is a study in England, and it focuses on how alcohol consumption affects our ability to detect the symmetry of the faces, because (as you should know) for human beauty or charm of a face is tied to its symmetry.

Might you happened ever? You are a fabulous night out there holiday, leagues with someone and raisins, but the next day you when you find... "ups!"You "what were you?"Sometimes one not said anything... especially if it is passable, but sometimes there is to be honest, what happened happened and that each follow his way.

When we already have a few cocktails or a few beers above we see things differently, not only in metaphorical sense, also our brain perceives "reality" otherwise, and is undermines their ability to recognize faces asymmetrical, which leads us be "get the bar" unconsciously and allow ourselves to be seduced by people that maybe still sober not us interested both.

For the study, instead of testing in the laboratory, researchers decided to take to the streets - notebook in hand - in search of their guinea pigs: University were mired in the dolce far niente, and were recruited and interviewed in the same bar.There same showed them a series of faces retouched by computer to appear more or less symmetrical, and following a simple breath test them was to verify the degree of drunkenness.

As expected, the sober students were better able to detect the symmetrical faces, however somewhat surprised researchers, is that when you drink, men are less likely to lose this ability than women.And this why?Priori what associated with men we are beings more Visual, more encouraged by what they see, and perhaps that is why we have developed this capacity and embotamos it with greater difficulty.

Posted by Regis News

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