Monday, November 1, 2010

The ideal couple is different from the actual

Who most who has less fantaseado ever on how it would be your ideal partner, either in puberty before the first serious intercourse or after having some that another loving disappointment. There has to a very defined profile of what should be your ideal partner, however time passes and when we want to remember, or we stop to think, we realize that our Royal couple has little to do with which we had dreamed!

And I do not mean in the wrong sense, but is somewhat curious and that fact has been recently shown. Apparently, a study conducted at the University of Montpellier in the South of France, made available to heterosexual couples 100 software that allowed them to modify the shape of the body of a virtual model to define how it would be your ideal silhouette.Then the researchers compared them with their current partners and oh surprise!.

Contrary to what more than one might think, women were which showed more conforming with morphology or physical aspects of your partner. The collected data were analysed in collaboration with the University of Sheffield, and what was intended was basically compare in height, weight and body mass that we believe would be our ideal partner, with our current partner within the framework of our reproductive behavior.

Discovered that the ideal of men was often thinner than your real partner. While women showed a greater difference between your ideal partner and current, without a dominant trend, some preferred smaller silhouettes and others wanted them larger.

Obviously people with which we ended up leaving not always has the physicist who had dreamed, sometimes our ideals are rare in the real world. So perhaps we shape with current partners because we couldn't find a Megan Fox or a Zack Efron. Although there is also another way to interpret the results, i.e., me that people think that you want, is not exactly what they want in real life, perhaps explains: we are currently rather driven by cultural archetypes that make us think that thin women are the most beautiful, so that one can express its desire that this is, and yet real, everyday life, we look for something else, not only appearance, but also a person who has a personality, values, or an intelligence that make us leave a little background appearance.

I do not mean exactly the manida phrase of beauty is inside, but it really the personality of a person can do that we feel attracted without their physical appearance match the ideal couple we imagined.

On the other hand, the fact that the female ideal significantly deviate from their current partners may be due to the old stereotype that women laying more personality than in the physical.If you think this makes you feel better, or less worried, fine!;Although it could also mean that women are less honest of recognizing what physicist stimulates more.

Whatever the case, the study seems to indicate that what we describe as ideal couple not always has great relationship with what we have in real life, unless all couples study were malavenidas couples and on the brink of separation

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