Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dyspareunia or painful intercourse

The dyspareunia or painful intercourse is not a unique sexual problem of women, although in most cases it is she who suffers it, indeed also men may experience painful intercourse. These hassles or headaches may occur before, during or after sexual intercourse, and due to causes physical, but also psychological, as the vast majority of sexual dysfunctions.

One of the factors that may lead a person to experience painful coitos is your level of knowledge on issues of sexuality.The misinformation, taboos, prejudices or negative feelings tend to cause nothing positive behaviors for satisfactory sexual intercourse.

When it comes to physical factors, man is suffering dyspareunia, it is can due: phimosis, urethra in the seminal vesicles and prostate or bladder infections.In the case of women, the most frequent causes are for instance: lack of vaginal lubrication, inflammations (vulvitis) vulva, vagina (colpitis, vaginitis), cysts, Folliculitis, traumatic injury, inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), inflammation of the horns of fallopian tubes (salpingitis), endometritis, and endometriosis.

Often, dyspareunia is also related to problems of vaginismus, as well as allergic reactions caused by contraceptives as the IUDS, condoms, diaphragm, or spermicides.

Other reasons that cause the painful coitos for women when there are deep penetrations, man beats with the tip of the penis end of vagina, i.e. the uterus, causing a strong prick or a kind of contraction.In this case solution is as simple as changing position or not to introduce the penis to the bottom.

In other psychological factors, e.g. fear of pregnancy, fear of reviving bad experiences - especially the victims of abuse, assault or rape - fear of making noise and neighbors is aware, or simply not to give sufficient time for preliminary games so that women can excite and lubricate, are factors that lead easily to a coito painful.

It is not nothing unusual that a woman will suffer vaginismus (contraction of the muscles of the vagina inadvertently prevents penetration) suffer dyspareunia, especially when associated with pain as part of coital relationship.Think it can do to suffer these problems again, anguish and fear prevents them from excite you and relax, resulting in painful intercourse.

Already at the time, when we speak of vaginismus, commented that if only it does not cause pain, what hurts is forcing penetration, in doing so we can create a vicious circle where women, still wanting to have sex, is not able to relax their muscles to allow the insertion of penis into her vagina, and trying to force things occur the hassle and headaches.Now she can take fear to intercourse, and then closes the circle, you're afraid of penetration, which causes an involuntary contraction of the muscles around the vagina, making penetration difficult, uncomfortable and even painful.

This fact is nothing unusual, but quite common in women who have had a fungal infection in the vagina, and even after be cured still experiencing headaches since pain still involving penetration for example.

1 comment:

  1. There's a new treatment for dyspareunia to cause stem cells to generate new healthy tissue. The procedure is called o-shot which has been very effective with my patients.
    More can be seen at
    Hope this helps.
    Charles Runels, MD
