Saturday, November 27, 2010

Spanish fly or Spanish fly

In the history man has liked experimenting with all kinds of products to try to stimulate or increase sexual desire. One of these afrodisiacos has been the Spanish fly or spanish fly, that although more than one joke, sound you has its dark past and even notable references in the world of literature.

This aphrodisiac getting the resulting powder desiccation of an insect called secreted, also known as Spanish fly.The secreted is a small insect barely two centimeter long and in warm climates, green colour.

The world of medicine it was using for several centuries supplied by mouth as a remedy for urinary incontinence, or topical use to treat the skin ulcerations.However their side effects were not few, among them: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, irritation and bleeding from internal organs and even certain doses could be fatal.

Thus, nobody would use it, but it is among its side effects was cause erecciones… and knows that when it comes to achieving erections or combat impotence man is capable of playing with fire.

The reason why dust secreted or Spanish fly, caused these erections was really irritated the urethra, urinary tract mucous inflamaban and as a result there was a strong erection and swelling of the glans.

Currently in the erotic shops you can buy Spanish fly or Spanish fly, but obviously between ingredients no longer the secreted.He has been retained the name of this historic aphrodisiac, but now the effects are not harmful, but are caused by ingredients such as vitamin C and mainly the arginine, which is present in many exciting products, as for example Durex Play.

As commented at the beginning, the world of literature also echoed the Spanish fruit fly as medication in the general work and its maze of Gabriel García Márquez, and aphrodisiac in A Case Of Rape of Chester Himes, tale set in Paris in the mid-20th century, and whose plot revolves around the rape of a woman class high has been drugged with secreted, a powerful aphrodisiac which at certain doses was poison.

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