Sunday, October 31, 2010

Female viagra and side effects

The new female viagra of Boehringer Ingelheim pharmaceuticals for treating female sexual dysfunction in women premenopausicas, for the moment not exit the market. Apparently, finally the German company is it thought best and you prefer to continue with the clinical trials that is already known as pink viagra, a drug from flibanserina which should help that one in ten women who express a lack of sexual desire.

A few months ago the FDA (food and Drug Administration) in United States was not for nothing convinced to analyze the results of the research and opinions of experts. Then warned on scarce benefits provided this medication compared to the potential risks to health.Specifically, in studies, up to 15% of the participants had to abandon treatment suffer side effects such as: dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, fatigue or anxiety.

Even today we know very little about how our brain functions, however it becomes governed almost everything in our body. Of developing medicines drug companies is not be giving blind sticks, but if that often discover positive by mere chance, as it is the case with the flibanserina, a drug that is intended to treat depression, but soon showed that you acted also on brain mechanisms that regulate the female sexual response.

Immediately thought that it could serve as a female viagra and company that patented gold, was designed as a drug should be ingested daily doses of 100 mg bedtime, and their placing on the market would be named Girosa.Unfortunately things have not gone as planned and currently will continue to work in one formula more secure or causes fewer side effects.

In any case, what is clear is that it will continue to, much is the money already invested and enormous potential clients as to set aside such discovery.And as sooner or later end up coming to market, we should understand its function.

How works the Flibanserin: to understand its functioning should know that there are several neurotransmitters, sex steroids and hormones play an important role in the effects of excitement or sexual response inhibition.Concerning neurotransmitters, stimulating activity is driven by dopamine and noradrenaline, while the inhibitory activity is driven by serotonin.The balance between these is important for a healthy sexual response, and getting the flibanserina is to balance these neurotransmitters in specific areas of the brain, resulting in a good sexual response.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bandito dildo for use with harness

Do you like playing with harnesses? Or perhaps never have you tried? Whether you're a woman you want to enter another woman as a woman seeking to penetrate a man, the option of using a harness can be very fun and stimulating, allows us to play a different role and also leaves the hands free to caress, play or hold our couple.

In erotic shops you can find that allow us to attach different models of vibrator or dildo harnesses crowds, this is very well because our choice leaves the shape, size and benefits toy that we want to use, so for example one of the simplest options can be a toy as Bandito dildo Fun factory.

As you can see in the image, it is a slightly curved dildo and with certain textures. Its design is sober but is well thought out, indeed the curvature in the tip is due to that so can influence better both point G if 1883–1884 woman vaginally and the prostate if penetrated a man by the anus.

Its flattened base is not by chance, in fact isn't that sustain foot, but so that we can use the Bandito dildo with a harness.Those who have already used one know this well, but if you have never used should know that that part is that is inside of the harness not quit and stay well subject.

It may be perfect for a couple of lesbians dildo because they often seek toys still hopelessly with an elongated shape, with no one explicitly phallic aspect. Additionally its reliefs with a touch of fantasy help stimulate the walls of the vagina, making these lubricate it further.

Dildo Bandito It is one-piece 100 per 100 silicone, which gives a smooth to the touch and flexibility, but has the rigidity needed to perform a vaginal or anal penetration without further problem - in both cases it is recommended to use an intimate lubricant.

In its action, has 15 cm long, 3.5 inches wide, and we will be able to find in black or violet.Your price round 30 euros, which makes a totally affordable and versatile erotic toy since, as we have said, you can use as a simple dildo or adjust to a harness for couples to enjoy.If andas seeking a large dildo, you may want to dildo Tiger.

Lack of sexual desire or anafrodisia

The name already says, the anafrodisia is decreased or lack of sexual desire. That for many people it is inconceivable since it is a source of pleasure, for some it is a nightmare because they don't know how to solve it. It is estimated that one in ten women suffer this sexual dysfunction, and bounce your partner is indeed one of the main reasons why women attend sexologist. But what has cure, there is some treatment?.

Depends on the type of anafrodisia, can that person has always been a profile low sexual desire, or may have been declining over time, or there may be a lack of desire with the couple but not others, or directly may not be any desire, i.e. nor with the couple or anyone else, simply not is passed by the head the idea of sexual intercourse and even trafficking avoid with excuses of all kinds.

Although most cases are women that pass through this situation, must be made clear that anafrodisia or lack of sexual desire is not a problem that only affects women, also men may suffer it.The causes can be varied: disorders, hormonal side effects of certain drugs, the lack of rest anxiety, depression, stress, monotony, emotional problems, dissatisfaction with their own physical or like this has changed with the passage of the years, fear rejection, etc.

Furthermore, unlike what one might think, is not a unique problem of married couples or take lot of time together, there is not even a specific age, can occur you both young and less young people, although generally if giving women between 30 and 60 years.

The consequences are quite obvious if the problem takes time, sometimes some couples leads them to a cooling of the relationships, tensions and discussions, as well as infidelity and even rupture.

No single treatment, or a miracle drug, depending on the case can make missing couple or individual therapy perhaps some hormonal treatment for lack of estrogen or testosterone, and sometimes simply something sexual education and greater communication.

In summary, the lack of sexual desire is fairly common, especially in women of a certain age.He is considered a sexual dysfunction and to obtain treatment best thing is to go to a specialist, nothing frustrate or try to self-medicate.A specialist must analyze our case to try to determine whether physical or psychological reasons, and therefore recommend us a treatment which will probably help us to overcome the slump and recovering sexual appetite.

If you want to try some basic solutions before you go to a specialist:

Talk to your partner, that flow of feelings and that each explain what he feels and what he wants or necesita.prueba to avoid sexual routine, i.e., do not do it always in the same position or the same place.Looking for a good time to make the amor.Si have occasion test to do some getaway weekend or even a night in a hotel somewhere boutique - I recommend one with jacuzzi - .Experimenta with erotic toys and massage kit, new stimuli can certainly help not only to break the routine but to explore new placeres.Da rein to your romantic vein, test with erotic recipes to help stimulate the senses, and particularly tries to surprise your pareja.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Gatillazo

In terms of weapons, gatillazo would hit that gives the trigger of the gun, especially when not shooting, which already has a certain ironic sense, however, purely sexual level the Royal Spanish Academy not a hair cut and is quite explicit: said of a man who fails in his attempt to practise a sexual intercourse.

If you do not have clear, the term gatillazo is the colloquial way to refer to the loss of erection or sexual intercourse before. Given that 90% of cases often caused by psychological factors, is something that can happen you to any man, either more or less young.However some young people through ignorance believe this sexual problem is things old, and when occur them they tend to overwhelm much more.

If you're also a demanding people, or that gives many laps to problems, you have more ballots that reoccurs gatillazo.Why?Sometimes simply a thought crosses your head, and then in your minds everything falls apart like a House of cards, you want to stop the "withdrawal of your troops", but is like a stampede and no way… most often produces a mental block and toca resign.

Normally with the loss of erection should also complete the slump, however the thing may worsen if one gives a cruel person or have little sexual education, I refer to cases where instead of searching for solutions, looking to the guilty, even casts doubt sexual orientation or loyalty partner, causing major misgivings and making the situation even more tense.

The causes of the gatillazo can be very varied as physical factors could be for example the tiredness to excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs to the induced sopor after a copious meal, etc.; Although more common due to psychological as nerves, stress, anxiety, fear or insecurity.

More young people it is not uncommon that happen them in his first, either to put the condom or when face penetration time. Many times we demand more of what we should or we create too many expectations and then fear to defraud can make us lose the erection.

We must recognize that today's society is quite competitive, one has to give always the best and sexual level standards is increasingly high.Sometimes we fooled by the media stories or where one has an erection after another and ejaculate your antojo… porn videos On the other hand, also is detecting sexologos that increasingly are more cases of men with lack of sexual, sometimes by porn consumption excess desire queries and others because they feel lost as women which adopts active to sue sex, role women increasingly more aware of their sexuality and don't hesitate to ask, and this is not bad but more than one desubica it or intimidates you.

Here are some Tips for gatillazo which will be useful. So if you're a man as a woman and you look at this situation, what I recommend is sincerity and understanding, of little use to say that it is the first time that happens you or her well-worn phrase say you "nothing happens", clear that happens!, let us not be cynical.They want more and penis not responde… It is important to be honest and speak of which have been the causes to find appropriate solutions.

One option is to confront it with humour, but without going over, that is it which made jokes, because if she is the woman he easily can take it to evil and she unintentionally better wounds his pride.You can opt to detract from the importance she ultimately is not the end of the world.But above all to avoid the "quiet love nothing happens" and similar things because not serve much, tries to take well and don't because you'll be cynical.

Try to relax, maybe with caresses or massages, let pass the minutes and when it is quieter you can try to stimulate the penis with friction or caresses, and even oral sex and get back the erection.The best way to regain normalcy is let go for pleasure and not think that we'll have a gatillazo because a mental block that leaves the inert penis then occurs.

If the penis is not lifted, you can also try other pleasures, penis nor is the center of the sexual universe, we can give pleasure with other parts of the body, and even used as dildos and vibrators they can offer different stimuli erotic toys.In this regard, you may want to article on how to give pleasure without penetration.

Finally, commenting that some men who have suffered some gatillazo resort to stimulating pills and creams that help them to prolong erection.This type of product, provided that they are prepared with natural ingredients, are harmless, and I do not mean in the sense that do not have any effect or a placebo, but are more secure than drugs created with unpronounceable ingredients and promising miraculous effects.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Swinger or couples Exchange

Recently it was news that the number of separations and divorces had decreased more than 10% in fact from the beginning of the crisis there has been a downward evolution, and therefore it is logical to be one of the factors suggested to justify the trend. If a few days ago spoke about theory balls of ice cream, today about a subject not far away: Exchange of couples.

Whether for economic reasons or other reasons, continue together does not mean that sexual level also follow unidos… this already theories are mine, but one poses it when today I am in the newspaper Abc News where ensures that the average age of swinger or people who make couples exchange has been reduced in ten years, are becoming increasingly younger people that venture in these practices.

Apparently the couple Exchange no longer thing of mature individuals, either because we are more open and tolerant in sexual terms or for other reasons such as those mentioned at the beginning, swinger already are not only beyond the 40 person and this confirm them sexologos, Regents swinger clubs and websites dedicated to the world of Exchange administrators.

The article specifically mentions the data collected by the portal, which estimated that one of every four couples enrolled in this page of contacts between 18 and 30 years.But of course, one thinks: "register doesn't mean that they reach the práctica…"; may be mere curiosity, as failure to create a profile in networking like Meetic, where the vast majority has fallen at least once, but almost nobody knows;)

It is true that in sex, as in many other areas of life, as we tested things arises us curiosity or need to test things new, strong or simply different, and no doubt experience Exchange couples experiences the is, though perhaps most isn't prepared to do so.

In fact to deepen in the article data qualifying and points rather to are young couples that go with their flings, and not so stable and loving couples who probably least want what you to is sharing his sentimental Companion.Also offer other data, such as 60% of registered men have couple, and against paired women are 40%, or the majority of users are men or liberal couples seeking preferential way a woman to form a ménage à trois, or love triangle.

Have you tried or you would like to test Exchange pairs?You can leave your comment below.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Edible dust Strawberry

Tapersex meetings, both the erotic shops, speaks increasingly erotic powders, which are nothing more than a few edible from sugar used to enrich our erotic games.

When Goliath to someone for the first time how to use, perhaps he doesn't end convince, looks like something a little naïve or that does not give to much, but can be a very interesting in stimulating the erogenous zones, in fact currently ingredient all romantic kit that price includes at least one boat of edible.

Brands like Voulez vous, Kamasutra or Shunga have broader flavors ranges and therefore are among the best-selling. ¿If separately is a fairly cheap product and that we can serve for many sessions sexo…

How can we use erotic powders? As well, nothing easier than lend hand boat with powders and sprinkle them directly on the skin or with the help of an applicator, some brands include a Pom or a duster to make it easy and fun.

Below, and once is either sprinkled on the surface that we want to lick, we can slide the tip of the tongue describing circles or everything straight up and down.Imagine you've sprinkled nipples, because once you begin to spend your language you will feel the intense taste of powders, immediately have licked them, but taste remains in your palate for several minutes, rather than time enough to put a few nipples hard and plumper breasts.If you had known shortly after you have more than return to sprinkle.

If we apply the edible on the penis, or in any other erogenous zone, the effect is the same: our lover will want to devour these tasty powders with greed and as side effect will produce us an enormous excitement, its use will become something addictive

These powders flavors we can find in almost all kinds of aromas, but certainly one of the best-selling are edible Strawberry, is a rich flavor and that practically to all the world loves.

In short, as you see it is an option cheap and funny enjoy even more body to body in the intimate moments, either to surprise your partner or to which your dust one night count around your secrets to suck the pezones…

Sunday, October 24, 2010


The term amenorrhea, although it sounds pretty evil, simply refers to the absence of menstrual flow. Depending on the circumstances can be distinguish between primary amenorrhea when lack of flow occurs before first menses, secondary amenorrhea when in life for some reason menstruation is interrupted for more than three months.

The amenorrhea or menstrual absence may alter the sexual life of women, both hormonal imbalances as concern for not having regular cycles can cause lose confidence or security whether same and thus decreasing and even undo the sexual desire.

The causes can be from various sources, for example any alteration in the bodies that govern, whether the ovaries, uterus, the hypothalamus, or pituitary can lead to this flow interruption.By genetic abnormalities such as e.g. vaginal Agenesis.

In the case of primary amenorrhea, causes are genetic abnormalities as faulty training (gonadal dysgenesis) ovaries abnormal cervical or vaginal or exceptionally by having a non perforated or very closed hymen which hinders the Elimination of the menstrual flow development.

In the case of secondary amenorrhea, the most common cause is either pregnancy or hormonal imbalances linked to chronic Anovulation declining levels of thyroid (hypothyroidism), increased levels of hormone prolactin (hyperprolactinemia), a notable increase or loss of weight, premature menopause, excessive physical exercise, stress, etc., polycystic ovary syndrome

It is therefore clear amenorrhoea may be a symptom of other problems, and accordingly its treatment depends on the context or clinical picture of women.In many cases, when it comes from hormonal disorders and if women do not want a pregnancy, recommends the use of contraceptives like the pill to regulate the menstrual cycle and their hormone levels.

In any case, as you see to determine the origin and treatment of amenorrhea is a complex topic, so ideally avoiding self-medication and see a doctor that we Orient and prescribe us the most appropriate treatment.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Heidi costume

For young people talk about Heidi probably do them believe in the beautiful German model Heidi Klum, however the veintitantos and now easily leads us to think that overbearing girl starring a 1970s Japanese cartoon series.

Thousands of women today around thirty and many are must have disguised Heidi when they were small, and more than one be disguised as Peter, sure was fun... Well, and why not again to relive that experience? A few years ago an advertising campaign used the idea of Heidi and Peter rediscovering when they were adults, now you and your partner you can put in the paper and give a spicy touch to the story, make your version of what could have been in those Alps to the shade of Oaks, or the cot when Grandpa dropped the people...And of course, to give greater realism, do what better than a disguise of heidi sexy!.

Inspired by this naughty girl, always provocative Obsessive lingerie brand has created a heidi costume that will leave more than one with an open mouth. Top mimics a brace on a blouse boxes in blue and white colors result and vertical cut shapes perfectly figure and allows you to adjust front.The set comes complete with a mini lack very coquettish that barely covers hips, two ponytails and some red panties to draw attention when you agaches...Without a doubt a very fun to exit the monotony and make living Heidi new option adventures

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dyspareunia or painful intercourse

The dyspareunia or painful intercourse is not a unique sexual problem of women, although in most cases it is she who suffers it, indeed also men may experience painful intercourse. These hassles or headaches may occur before, during or after sexual intercourse, and due to causes physical, but also psychological, as the vast majority of sexual dysfunctions.

One of the factors that may lead a person to experience painful coitos is your level of knowledge on issues of sexuality.The misinformation, taboos, prejudices or negative feelings tend to cause nothing positive behaviors for satisfactory sexual intercourse.

When it comes to physical factors, man is suffering dyspareunia, it is can due: phimosis, urethra in the seminal vesicles and prostate or bladder infections.In the case of women, the most frequent causes are for instance: lack of vaginal lubrication, inflammations (vulvitis) vulva, vagina (colpitis, vaginitis), cysts, Folliculitis, traumatic injury, inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), inflammation of the horns of fallopian tubes (salpingitis), endometritis, and endometriosis.

Often, dyspareunia is also related to problems of vaginismus, as well as allergic reactions caused by contraceptives as the IUDS, condoms, diaphragm, or spermicides.

Other reasons that cause the painful coitos for women when there are deep penetrations, man beats with the tip of the penis end of vagina, i.e. the uterus, causing a strong prick or a kind of contraction.In this case solution is as simple as changing position or not to introduce the penis to the bottom.

In other psychological factors, e.g. fear of pregnancy, fear of reviving bad experiences - especially the victims of abuse, assault or rape - fear of making noise and neighbors is aware, or simply not to give sufficient time for preliminary games so that women can excite and lubricate, are factors that lead easily to a coito painful.

It is not nothing unusual that a woman will suffer vaginismus (contraction of the muscles of the vagina inadvertently prevents penetration) suffer dyspareunia, especially when associated with pain as part of coital relationship.Think it can do to suffer these problems again, anguish and fear prevents them from excite you and relax, resulting in painful intercourse.

Already at the time, when we speak of vaginismus, commented that if only it does not cause pain, what hurts is forcing penetration, in doing so we can create a vicious circle where women, still wanting to have sex, is not able to relax their muscles to allow the insertion of penis into her vagina, and trying to force things occur the hassle and headaches.Now she can take fear to intercourse, and then closes the circle, you're afraid of penetration, which causes an involuntary contraction of the muscles around the vagina, making penetration difficult, uncomfortable and even painful.

This fact is nothing unusual, but quite common in women who have had a fungal infection in the vagina, and even after be cured still experiencing headaches since pain still involving penetration for example.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Vibrator egg with remote control

Some people can be vulgar or excessive item erotic toys, and however ultimately would like to experiment with them, see what feels; others are enjoying of long possibly tempts them the idea of using them away, but sometimes because of its size becomes difficult, or perhaps not, since there is a curious toy known as egg vibrator.

The egg vibrator with remote control, as its name suggests, is a sexual shaped egg or bullet that is controlled through a remote control, either attached to the own toy from cable or wireless.The vast majority are battery-powered, and tend to be fairly quiet idea that go unnoticed if you give us for use in a public place.

Therefore a valid sex toy both for beginners as for those who want to experience new emotions, either in the Park, subway or some other public place where there is a certain noise environment or anyone it too closely as to hear the hum and say that "I think that it is playing a mobile...".

If you want some suggestions, two of the best-known and most simple models are egg vibrator Cry Baby or the Magic, both have a wireless controller that allows you to cede control to your partner to make mischief, and then you vibrate at will.

You can also find other models of egg vibrator that can control mobile or running to the beat of your music player, an iPod or any other.This option is quite funny because vibrations going to the rhythm of the music, a bit like an equalizer bars.

Some models of vibrating eggs come even more preparations, which have a harness that sustains the vibrator on the vulva or inside, in this way, there is no risk that exit and go to go your know where.

Price, because the truth is that everything, can buy an egg vibrator with command from the veintitantos euros until more than one hundred, that Yes, the wireless are usually more expensive, but if you look well-sure to find great offers that are worthwhile if you want to try new erotic games.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Breast cancer and sexuality

The diagnosis of a disease such as breast cancer is an event that can generate fears and anxieties that impair the personality. Surgical effects which can lead to disorders of the body image subsequently occur, one isn't comfortable with her body and not feel attractive, this joined the consequences of treatment and easily to enter into a negative spiral that just eroding sexuality and relationship.

In this respect, a study by Monash University within the framework of its programme for the health of women, results has published these days are quite compelling: of the nearly 1700 women involved for having been diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, 70% acknowledged that his sex life had deteriorated remarkable two years after the diagnosis.

The case is an area that historically not been given too much importance, is the worst has happened and what comes after longer problem, or intimacies that the couple should solve... However it is a problem that is not easy to solve, requires much support, understanding and communication, and if before this there and also had some previous conflict, the direct consequences of disease, treatments or the emotional impact that both generated, that of if are enough, can also contribute to compound crisis or couple problems.

There are many factors related to breast cancer that can interfere with the patient and her partner's sexuality.Symptoms and consequences of the disease, such as anemia and anorexia, can lead to weakness and hinder sexual activity, sometimes used treatments (medicine, surgery, radiotherapy) can produce effects similar to significantly limit the sexual relations.

Lack of desire is one of the most complex sexual dysfunction, there are many factors that can cause it, and in the case of persons who receive treatment, some antiemetic drugs and opioids elevate prolactin doing to reduce libido levels.In the absence of desire can miss vaginal lubrication and, as we know, a dry intercourse is not only uncomfortable, it can also be painful.

After this it is clear that the problems of sexual dysfunction in women who have suffered from breast cancer is something quite common, and no doubt a direct result of the disease and its treatment.Therefore, the conclusion of the study is that women who have been diagnosed and treated need much support to maintain their health and well-being after the illness.

Posted by Regis News

Monday, October 18, 2010

Erotic jewelry

The jewel is an adornment to embellish or highlight any part of our body, tend them to be women, but more and more men are encouraged to include any additions. Nearly all known human cultures used jewelry, we like to decorate our body, so it is visible, as what there is... in fact, a wide universe of erotic jewels.

Erotic jewelry can be used for many purposes, mainly for ornamental or aesthetic reasons.We can serve to decorate the nipples or navel, penis, testicles and anus.

We often them find manufactured metal, mainly in steel, silver, or bronze.And depending on the design, can be set with a glass or stone for a touch more striking and sophisticated.This is the case of Julian Snelling, whose catalogue has some rarities of Gothic style, as well as eye-catching anal jewels made in steel and glass seamed color erotic jewelry.

One of the most commonly used erotic jewels are belly bar and nipples are covered, sometimes not really cover, rather adorn, is the case for example of the nipple with form of Cobweb, tribal or the circle of hearts ornaments.

Other jewelry intimate quite interesting but a little less well-known are the penis rings.Probably use more worldwide BDSM, although anyone who wants to give it a look different to your penis could prove them, serve as an example the steel ring or curious ring bronze snake-shaped design is placed on the tip of the penis to prevent ejaculation... one of these we could for example a pharaonic fantasy;)

As you can see there are multiple options erotic jewelry, already depends on your taste and budget, some are quite economic, but others can easily hang the hundred euros, in both cases can be a great option as a gift or to give a surprise your partner.If you want to see pricing models and click on the pictures.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Katy Perry and censorship

A few days ago was news that singer Katy Perry had been vetoed the child program Sesame Street, to the seems its participation therein would be banned after receipt of multiple reviews mentioning the generous neckline Lucia singer.

The video recorded by the Californian singer, and that you can see on YouTube, was a child of his song Hot N Cold adaptation, in this video Katy Perry appeared with a short and escotado dress but nothing obscene, at least for my sick mind European... probably not for the eccentric her boyfriend Russell Brand, which most likely not been willing you stop feet of revenge on the censorship mind.

Revenge was consummated a few days ago in the mythical program Saturday Night Live, where Katy intervened in a sketch as a teen librarian who has experienced a remarkable development during the summer... not to leave a doubt, the artist looks a t-shirt with the face of Elmo (which passed it in the video) that is about to explode, while other actresses (Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph) do mothers surprised by its development role, but who strung a joke after another of its increase in breast size.

Between the jokes drop some truths that one should not ashamed of his body, or tits fed to babies, and therefore see that a child should not be cause for scandal because there is nothing wrong with them.

Katy Perry follow this path, I am afraid ranging it associations that defend the legalization of the topless on the beaches of us wanting to punch, and but time to time... While you both leave the revenge video.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Cyclone Rends masturbator

Until a few years ago male masturbadores universe was rather limited, mainly imitations of hydrants, years or vaginas, however a some time manufacturers are giving free rein to creativity, and gradually appear new concepts of male masturbadores allow us to enjoy very different experiences to achieve orgasm.

Some of the most curious models, and more successful, are for example the Tenga egg or more recently the masturbator Cobra (if you've not heard about them I recommend that you take it a look).Today we present a new male masturbator: A10 Cyclone, an erotic toy that I think would happen unnoticed in a kitchen blender or carrot peeler... at a glance

Seriously, this invention Rends brand does not have a very seductive aesthetics, but what else is, what is important is to fulfil its function, and apparently does with enough creativity. Unlike most masturbadores, it does not have be penetrating constantly for pleasure, this sex toy is the pinnacle of idleness, you may be missing plaster or drunk arm, and yet the Cyclone will you ejaculate sooner or later.

Why do it? Because say his name he betrays: simply enter the erect penis and give to the play, then the masturbator inside tour and tour as a cyclone caressing and rubbing your penis everywhere until you reach orgasm.That if a time eyaculas I would stop it because with both beat if that is really capable of implementing your flow of snow.

And what gives? The Cyclone has a beam of approximately twelve inches deep, and is prepared to rotate in seven different ways (see picture below) at seven different speeds, which gives us 49 possible combinations, which can support mode turbo instant, which is itself for when we go to orgasm.

If image not explains it very well, or you have any questions, seven rotation modes consist of: turn left, right, 90º, 180º, jigsaw jigsaw ten seconds of spinning and three pause, coaster with ascents and descents speed, fast turn mild recoil, and finally three rotations forward and three to back.

But that is not all, because the leg where to enter the penis has reliefs and is interchangeable, so you can try different sleeves until you find which suit best to your liking, the bad news is that it must be purchased separately.

If you want to buy a masturbator Cyclone, at the time of purchase you can see if they sell the product with the remote control R1, need to be able to handle it.This does not do so at whim, but because Rends sells other erotic toys and all of them are handled with the same model command, in other words: a command to rule them all!- as the Dark Lord...-.

Posted by Regis in Masturbadores

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Case for LaTeX penis

Not few men who wish to lengthen the penis, sometimes by whim and others because they are not really happy with what nature has given. To lengthen the penis there are all kinds of methods and products, but none is as fast as a penis sheath.

I am not going to go into the eternal debate about whether size matters, actually this kind of erotic toy is not intended exclusively to men with a small penis, one may want for just fun to widen or lengthen your penis to enjoy your partner in a way different, more intense if possible.

Many do not know, but the covers for penis men offer a whole range of possibilities to disguise the penis, to give greater pleasure and at the same time to gain a few centimeters long and thin without compromising their health, since it does not have the slightest side effect, simply put it when you have hard and you take away it when you are done - as if it were a condom.

So you make an idea, for example with an extension, as in the image above we gain up to six centimeters coup, and is so easy to use as a condom - it does not mean that it meets the same contraceptive function - what you put in the tip, glide the rest cover LaTeX to be well adjusted to the phallus.

Usually this type of bag usually form of penis, although there are other more creative with all kinds of textures and colors, as well as transparent and fluorescent.But that is not all, we can also find covers for penis with vibrator, which is no longer goes.

If this product has no downside is obviously decreases the sensations of man, to reduce the friction of the Glans to the walls of the vagina.In this case, an alternative may be this another type of silicone cover what it does is increase the thickness of the penis and leaves free tip of the penis, while giving more pleasure women thanks to their textures.

Posted by Regis in bags for penis

Erotic wives of parallel

The Swedish brand parallel is one that more cares about the aesthetics of the erotic, world through all its products trafficking convey elegance eroticism and lust. Since its inception have focused on the creation of erotic toys, but have now decided to further expand its catalog to erotic games accessories.

At the moment it is feather dusters, whips and especially wives erotic who will give free rein to your imagination and make reality more than a fantasy, because contrary to what many might think, it is usual that many people feel of tying his couple bed, a Chair or the door in order to play and result in a different way.In fact, already on one occasion I have commented that for example rape as fantasy evoking domination, is one of the most common in women.

What is technically known as bondage, is an area that many people just exploring before or after naturally, to give rein to that desire to dominate and be dominated.It is an erotic game, and for which we need at least a few wives, tape, or string to immobilize wrists and ankles. If we have a mask, a duster, and why not a whip, the experience can be fun and stimulating.

If you want to live an experience of this kind, today we will talk about these new products, all can be found in shades of red, black or purple, which gives them an unmistakable touch of sophistication and lust. Materials, how could it be otherwise, are first quality: silk, suede and metal skin.

Intimate Silk Blindfolds, this is the mask in the image above, this allows us to cover our eyes to our partner so that it will not be where and how we will stimulate.You will not be forced to let go and enliven the other senses, especially touch and hearing if you want to predict our movements.An essential accessory for a different sensory experience.Erotic wives, three different models for three different styles, from cosy wives Etherea, silk wives Sutra in the purest style bondage: manufactured in skin and linked by a string of metal; going through the simple but effective Boa Pleasure to conform with extremity and with the help of a gateway allow you to leave your stationary, partner at your mercy, to enjoy all kinds of pleasures and insights... spanking and caresses, whipping bondage is a way to make the skin becomes more sensitive and responsive in certain areas, however is not beat by beat, but the delight in punishing and be punished, and of course always must practise with the consent of both.And after of a spanking or either, without passing through them, we can lend hand of the Tantra, Duster to perform all kinds of caresses and tickling the hairs on tip and well erect nipples.

See, a range of products, undoubtedly dominated the different models of wives erotic, but certainly invite you to live new experiences in couple, and new erotic games.

Posted by Regis on wives and shackles

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nina Hartley

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Placebo in treating female sexual dysfunction

A placebo is a substance that lacks therapeutic action, but has some effect healing to the sick, if it receives it convinced that that substance has really such an action. The placebo used constantly in the world of medicine to demonstrate the effectiveness of medications for example or to find out whether the disorder suffered by a patient to psychological factors.

A new study published by Journal of Sexual Medicine reveals that women with a low level of arousal experienced clinically significant changes in symptoms after taking a placebo.Not something magical or casual, but more than proof that many sexual dysfunction problems are due to the lack of communication with the couple and self-confidence.

Andrea Bradford and Cindy Meston, doctors in psychology, analysed the behaviors and symptoms of half a hundred women who were selected at random from a clinical trial large scale for drug therapy to reduce low sexual arousal. Neither women nor the study doctors knew if they were taking the actual drug or a placebo.

The results showed that, after 12 weeks of treatment, the symptoms of 1 in 3 women had improved to a degree that most doctors would consider a significant change.Most of these improvements also seemed to occur during the first four weeks.

The most important indicator of change in symptoms, was an increase in the frequency of satisfactory sexual encounters during treatment.Many women even reported that they received more stimulation during sexual activity, while their partners were not given special instructions.

Possibly believe that women were more receptive to stimuli was that partners showed more interest or decide to try new things.The mere fact of participating in the study likely triggered a change of behaviour in intimate relationships.

Posted by Regis News

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Testosterone reduced confidence

Testosterone is a hormone that is quite interesting, man is produced in the testicles, and its effects are several: since the penis and testicles, sexual, as well as causes more competitive or aggressive behaviours desire increased growth.

Recent research has been found as testosterone lowers the confidence of some people by neutralizing the effects of oxytocin, which normally is released in men and women for example during orgasm or in general when we feel pleasure, as well as when the woman gives chest being stimulated nipple, is why romantic way it has has christened it the hormone of love.

While oxytocin causes humans increased confidence, putting us treason under his influence, one is able to trust others we know that in the background are unreliable. It is clear that trust plays an important role in the development of social relations between individuals, and at the same time we know that our confidence has a cost, since today it is easy that fooled you or so upset.

Testosterone is a hormone associated with competition and domination, is often seen as an inhibitor of sociability, and why scientists have wanted to experiment with it admisnitrandola women in a controlled experiment.It was giving testosterone or placebo 24 women twenties, then ask them about faces of unknown people through photos, and know if they inspired them trusted or not.

Women who took testosterone actually were more suspicious, especially those that were generally more naive or entrusted, as they really give or suspicious by nature were women showed no results very different after having been applied testosterone.According to the researchers, thus demonstrated that testosterone counteracts some effects of oxytocin, allowing more naïve people to be more clever, or in any case them reduces the confidence they have towards the other.

Posted by Regis News

Glass sex toys

When you decide to buy an erotic toy easily can feel overwhelmed by the amplest variety that exists today, hundreds of different one type erotic toy models. However, each type of toy is different and has a different purpose, either to stimulate the clitoris, point g, anal sex, etc. Although there are also versatile that they are appropriate to stimulate in many different ways, is the case of erotic glass toys.

An excellent option are both to enjoy anal sex as the vagina, and have a chic touch make them quite different from the classical erotic toys manufactured in LaTeX or silicone.Of course both have their advantages and disadvantages, and today we will focus on the glass:

First erotic glass toys are more attractive and transparent gives a more lustful air as added value is that many of them are manufactured by hand, offering a spectacular finish.The same can be totally traslucidos, as they can have different layers of colours interlaced giving forms of fantasy times.

While many dildos and vibrators silicone does not conceal or hide all purpose, erotic glass toys could easily pass through small sculptures, small works of art of glass that would pass unnoticed on any shelf in the Hall of House.

Apart from the aesthetic, is the practical part, is obviously not a piece of flexible, but completely rigid, but with a natural properties that let you absorb and retain temperature much longer. Thus we have two possibilities: we can put the glass dildo in the bucket with the champagne, and when you want to use it will be a cold piece of glass that erizará hairs and nipples.Or we can do just the opposite, immerse our dildo glass in hot water, so when you use the feeling to slip inside the anus or vagina can be really extraordinary. That if you check the temperature of to take action to prevent burns in sensitive areas!.

For this type of toy needless use much lubricant, and in fact once lubricated sliding not see...After it has been used come clean it, here again outperform others since you can use all kinds of soaps to keep them clean and shiny, even if you do not want to, so you can put in the dishwasher!.

And what erotic toy I choose?Well, at the beginning already commented that there is a huge variety, in regards to erotic glass toys include the dildos, anal plug and Chinese balls.As prices in this type of toy if you are going to get a couple at the price you pay, the more inexpensive more you are to get a cheap glass that can break or split with the consequent risks quality, now, if you put a little more you can get a beautiful and robust piece of glass that long you life to speak.

Posted by Regis in erotic toys

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Masturbation and sexual fantasies

To perform a more complex life, increasingly are more things that separate us from the rest of the animal world, this makes that also in sexual matters we are increasingly rare or unnatural, for example in regards to masturbation, according to Dr. Leonard Shlain: many animals masturban, but none with the intensity and frequency of ejaculation in men, except where are captive.

This assertion is a little disturbing, though the most accepted theory is that humans are masturban more because you can fantasize. Some theories argue that in the history our species has masturbado with this frenzy, except in certain seasons where religious or moral pressures we forced to suppress us or be more palatable with sex.Moreover, some hypotheses claim that fantasy is a natural and healthy plug-in, and even a condition without which no disfrutaríamos for a fulfilling sex life.

It is clear that sexual fantasies facilitates us reaching frequent orgasms, erotic toys like or pornography, and certainly am not going to be me which opposes the masturbation or to sexual fantasies, but returning to the words of Dr. Shlain, one is thinking about how far not we hominids? voluntarily living in captivityDo you think of it a bit, life for the vast majority is routine and with little free time, this is not a kind of confinement?

Ever been studied here with other hominids, and researchers are always surprised by the little jokes zeal of these relatives, in fact has not been until have gotten them into solitary confinement that have shown an increased interest in self stimulation.

Also has civilized we changed our sexual habits?Are the right way or we should look at another way?

Cupid blog ' Poisoned Arrow, Marnia Robinson s arises if experts are not being quite objective, or whether you are relaxing assuming that current conditions are "natural conditions", i.e. should seek explanations to this hobby to masturbate us out of our current social structure, should maybe start from scratch and do not give that nature is to live in an environment saturated stimuli, whether substances or activities, some as "normal" as shopping or atiborrar calories in a fast food restaurant.

Actually, the problem is not only the masturbation or that us masturbemos too, the theme is a bit more complex and is related to happiness, i.e. how this road leads to happiness?According to some research the problem is that the more we encourage our brain, increasingly harder to please him, and this compels us to seek increasingly stronger, more intensive stimuli.

It would be healthier for our body to raise another way of life where we get a biochemist balance (and hence emotional)?Not give a rotation of 180 degrees to our lives, but making small changes, as for example sports, do activities with friends, strengthen contact with people and affective ties, as well as a bit of daily meditation are surprisingly effective as anti-stress mood and as State regulators.

Posted by Regis on sexuality

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Psicoanalisis of fairy tales

Undoubtedly fairy tales are an interesting tool to impart knowledge to children in a symbolic manner, helps to stimulate their imagination and acquire new values as explained otherwise perhaps would be too abstract or devoid of interest.

The case is that it can that have never you raised you, but beyond the moral, fairy tales have hidden symbols, subliminal messages sometimes related to sex, which more than a psychologist has been interpreted or desgranar in history, one of the most famous was Bruno Bettelheim.

Bruno Bettelheim was born at the beginning of the last century in Austria, as a Jew was forced to go through several concentration camps, but it was fortunate to be able to buy his freedom and emigrate to the United States before the outbreak of World War II.Once America developing great part of his professional career as head of a section of the University of Chicago where dealing with emotionally disturbed children.

One of his most famous works is The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales, published in 1976 and which in Spanish is known as Psicoanalisis of fairy tales, a surprising work which Bettelheim addition to explain the importance of the lives of children, fairy tales interpreted us the different symbols: characters, situations, places, landscapes, etc. classic Riding Hood, snow white, Hansel and Gretel tales, the three little pigs, sleeping, etc.

Anyone who has read and heard knows that they celebrating any kind of emotional conflict, problems sooner or later the children in your life, in fact it is not nothing uncommon that once you know them, e.g. associated with bad with these fairy tales characters people, is easier to explain how to them.

In the work of Bettelheim, psychoanalysis of fairy tales goes beyond but these symbols associated with sex.For example according to him the electra complex comes out in little Red Riding Hood, apparently remains clear that Riding Hood is a vicious and aims to have sex with his father represented by Wolf, Wolf in turn also want sleep with Riding Hood, why not eats it in the forest, what you want is a sexual encounter that precedes the Act of devouring it. The grandmother also fulfills its role as instigator, makes come to men and dress attractive red layers.

The theme of masturbation goes mentioned in the story of the beans, Bettelheim was clear that this enormous beans plant that grows toward the sky is the child's penis and climbing by this giant plant symbolises masturbation, as well as the protagonist he fears that he caught climbing, a child also feared that he caught masturbating.Obviously this learning is done unconsciously, but they will help children see that their fears about masturbation are unfounded.

Bettelheim, menstruation seems to be the central theme of the sleeping, that blood spilled DJing with a needle to the sixteenth birthday has no other explanation... is more, if one misses the version of the story written by Perrault, hand history is most porn is not a Prince but a King that the awake, but not with a kiss but violating it...

Speaking of violations: she apparently flees the holiday as a symbol that is afraid to be raped by Prince, Bettelheim and even crimp the ripple involving her vagina, as something where you enter the lost shoe or slides a member body in the Cinderella tale.And what about snow white after seen in previous stories: apparently both she and the stepmother are two instill sexually competing, and the truth is that they fit perfectly into a fantasy of submissive and dominating...

Already you see as the panorama in fairy tales, Shrek is a very small mouse!, but not themes, these stories come with for centuries and nevertheless we are all left;)

Effects of alcohol

Many times wisdom already us prevents on some things, as regards the effects of alcohol for example: If you emborrachas likely to in the morning upon awakening cannot remember everything you've done, or what or who is the suspicious package moving next to the bed. However for science is not enough, they have demostralo according to its methods and so step explain us exactly why certain things happen.

This time it is a study in England, and it focuses on how alcohol consumption affects our ability to detect the symmetry of the faces, because (as you should know) for human beauty or charm of a face is tied to its symmetry.

Might you happened ever? You are a fabulous night out there holiday, leagues with someone and raisins, but the next day you when you find... "ups!"You "what were you?"Sometimes one not said anything... especially if it is passable, but sometimes there is to be honest, what happened happened and that each follow his way.

When we already have a few cocktails or a few beers above we see things differently, not only in metaphorical sense, also our brain perceives "reality" otherwise, and is undermines their ability to recognize faces asymmetrical, which leads us be "get the bar" unconsciously and allow ourselves to be seduced by people that maybe still sober not us interested both.

For the study, instead of testing in the laboratory, researchers decided to take to the streets - notebook in hand - in search of their guinea pigs: University were mired in the dolce far niente, and were recruited and interviewed in the same bar.There same showed them a series of faces retouched by computer to appear more or less symmetrical, and following a simple breath test them was to verify the degree of drunkenness.

As expected, the sober students were better able to detect the symmetrical faces, however somewhat surprised researchers, is that when you drink, men are less likely to lose this ability than women.And this why?Priori what associated with men we are beings more Visual, more encouraged by what they see, and perhaps that is why we have developed this capacity and embotamos it with greater difficulty.

Posted by Regis News

Monday, October 4, 2010

Glass dildos

Already in the article on erotic toys Crystal I explayé on multiple qualities of this type of sex toys, there are few more since there are different types of toys, and in this article we look at the glass dildos.

Use a glass dildo has nothing to do with one of silicone, first by the amount of lubricant that we must use, secondly by sensations that will offer touch and third by the rigidity of the glass, that at no time will try to distort the sensations or imitate a penis of truth.

Glass is a completely different material as well as the metal has interesting thermal properties allow us to make that absorb heat quantity or cold and that then retained it during some time, this applied to the erotic games opens us a whole range of possibilities.

Its rigidity, which in principle may seem a disadvantage, is precisely what makes needed to stimulate internal and G-spot or prostate erogenous zones.Sometimes we take a stand or an angle of penetration that makes a flexible toy is twist and would not be affected with the same intensity, with one glass this happens and stimulates there where you want until orgasm.

Its smooth surface is another great advantage, may have reliefs and ripples, but enough to receive a little oil to make a sliding artifact to be introduced easily into almost any hole that propose you.

In buy glass dildos keep in mind to it you think use, if only for vaginal penetration you worth nearly any model, now, if for an anal penetration I recomend that you decant for those with a flat base or wider with idea to make butt and thus avoid the toy slide inside the anus, because I imagine that you would not like tell you emergency room doctor who does that there;)

Once you have your glass dildo at home, use it well reviews that the finish is perfect, not have any dent or flange which cause you any cutting or diaper rash, since it would be quite unpleasant.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Postcoital pill doubles its sales in Spain

A year ago, the Government approved marketing prescription postcoital pill or the day after, since, according to the Spanish Foundation of contraception, it seems that its sale in pharmacies has doubled, since in the last twelve months have been sold more than half a million units, when in previous years the figure was only 300,000 units.

In fact, apparently in the months of April and July of this year there have been peaks sales showed an increase of between 130% and 190%, spectacular figures, which should also add units that have been dispensed in family planning or health centres.

In any case, for experts these figures fall within normal, and do not represent a massive or abusive demand, and what is more positive: not be reported no serious side effects.

What if you recommend is continue campaigns so people always mind dealing with an emergency contraceptive method, and that it is normal to use other methods as the pill or condoms.

On the other hand, it is awaiting to make public data number of abortions in Spain last year, so far are some autonomous communities which have been filtered data to media indicating that there has been a decrease in the number of abortions, however more conservative or anti abortionists distrust those figures given the unreliable in the way of collecting data from private clinics.

However it is possible that this increase in the use of the postcoital pill influenced somewhat in a decline in the number of unwanted pregnancies, and thus in the number of abortions.In any case, these data are confirmed in the coming months.

Posted by Regis News